Garden Harvest 2015

2015 garden harvest survey… for you, Mom!

We had Nightshade growing in our garden!

We had Nightshade growing in our garden!

The pumpkin plant turned out to be a lemon cucumber plant. Err.. the egg came from a chicken.

The pumpkin plant turned out to be a lemon cucumber plant. Err.. the egg came from a chicken.

I love these. They start yellow and turn pink as they bloom.

I love these. They start yellow and turn pink as they bloom.

So lovely. They have been blooming all summer and scenting my front door.

So lovely. They have been blooming all summer and scenting my front door.

The little chick is a cross between this Black Copper Maran and the California White Leghorns.

The little chick is a cross between this Black Copper Maran and the California White Leghorns.

The little cochin and her little pretty chick

The little cochin and her little pretty chick

Flock of chickens

Flock of chickens

Deer damage.

Deer damage.

The only blackberries I could find. The rest were finished.

The only blackberries I could find. The rest were finished.

Sweet potato vine!

Sweet potato vine!

Potatoes ready to harvest

Potatoes ready to harvest

Purple cabbage

Purple cabbage

Harvested cabbage

Harvested cabbage

The bees love the flowering oregano. I like mowing it (it grows like a weed) because it smells yummy.

The bees love the flowering oregano. I like mowing it (it grows like a weed) because it smells yummy.



So pretty!

So pretty!





All that green.... was the compost pile. Now it's growing melons, tomatoes and ground cherries. (pineapple tomatillos)

All that green…. was the compost pile. Now it’s growing melons, tomatoes and ground cherries. (pineapple tomatillos)

The zucchini patch that ended up being a second melon patch

The zucchini patch that ended up being a second melon patch

Picking the little corn that grew

Picking the little corn that grew

Cabbage and melons

Cabbage and melons



On my counter... a bounty!

On my counter… a bounty!


Filed under Everyday Stuff

3 Responses to Garden Harvest 2015

  1. Carol Holbrook

    Rachel and Brian,
    You have a wonderful garden and a lovely life…so much to be thankful for. It is fun to follow you on FB and sometimes I check out your blog. Where do you live now? Seems like a great place to raise your family.
    Love, Carol and family

  2. Carol Holbrook

    Oh, and I forgot to say how much I LOVE pineapple tomatillas…they reseed in my garden and pop up where I least expect them, uninvited but very welcome, year after year. And lemon cukes are a favorite, too!! You grow a bounty for your family!! xo

  3. Carol, I miss you and your family! I love hearing from you. We live near Vancouver, WA and just love having the space to roam. And to garden! Those “ground cherries” are so yummy; I don’t know why people don’t grow them all the time! Lemon cucumbers are the best too – so yummy. I hope someday to have as many beautiful flowers as you do at your home. Speaking of… how do YOU keep the deer and rabbits from eating your gardens?

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