So a friend from church sent me an email saying she was going to drive up to somewhere (Hood?) to buy some organic cherry seconds. The cherries would be $22 per 20 lb. box and that included some gas for her. $1.10/lb. sounded good to me, especially since I WOULD NOT HAVE TO DO ANY PICKING. I looked up how many quarts of canned cherries you get per pound… one place said about 6 quarts per 10 pounds and one place said 10 quarts per ten pounds. In my heat-shriveled brain state, I did only half the math and decided that I needed two of the 20-lb. boxes. Yeah…. maybe too many.
Just now got finished rinsing, sorting, stem-pulling all of them and they fill 24 quarts, 12 pints and there are a ton left for snacking. I’d say about 8 quarts per 10 lbs. is about right. Anyway… that’s double what I was planning on. I am tired. And I only just turned on the stove to start the canning part!
HAHAH. oh my. That’s a lot of cherries. glad you like cherries!!! 🙂
What does everybody want for Christmas this year? Cherries?!