When do you decide to have more kids? Probably, you should feel up to an additional challenge (not be exhausted BEFORE you add a kid), it shouldn’t interfere negatively with the kids you have already, you should be able to afford it, and probably the only one that is an ABSOLUTE must is that you should agree upon it as a couple. Many, many, many decisions made between Brian and I have been infinitely better because we both put in input. Brian is not ready to jump into an adoption this week like I am. Brian is better at thinking things through than I am. I am so blessed to be so well matched. So let’s throw that into the prayer about me personally being ready and capable of handling more kids. I will also be praying that God will move both Brian and I at the same time for adoption.
Margaret giggling:
Maggie not rolling, but being cute:
Anna showing off her mad tap dancing skills:
Anna reads a book to Maggie:
Maggie kicking at the zoo:
First bath together – certainly not the last:
After one of those nights when you can’t get dinner together and the baby refuses to fall asleep until after 45 minutes of trying (right when dinner is finally done) and you don’t get to eat until after both kids are asleep because things took too long…. well, that was our Valentine dinner. Here we are – finally peaceful, quiet, and reheated:
Can you say, “Oh my goodness gracious!!!” Yes, this is the stead from Pioneer Woman Cooks. It was REALLY GOOD.
My little Valentine. Dad, notice the necklace? It’s the necklace that you gave me when I was a girl (I was maybe a teen).
She’s a little bigger than she used to be:
Hey Maggie!
Watching Anna be a big sister just melts her mama’s heart:
Can you see that her right front tooth is turning gray? (on the left side of the picture)
“I’m going to help Papa fix the lawn mower!”
“I just need my glasses”
We went to the zoo today (Saturday) and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine! And neither kid cried! Not once! Amazing. Thank you Kelly for the stroller – it is GREAT to have.
This one cracks me up:
Loved it all!!
great ending shot 🙂 m’s certainly getting big fast