Conversation with Anna

We had this conversation with Anna some time ago and I am recording it here for posterity sake.

R: Should we move far, far away to Africa?
A: No.
R: Why?
A: Because I want to stay here. This is my homeland.
R: Did she really just say that?
A: Maybe we could bring my pillow and blanket and blankies to Africa.
R: Yep we would pack them.
A: Let’s pack up and go right now!
B: Well it’s very far away.
R: We would have to get on an airplane and go over the ocean.
A: Maybe we can go later when Anna get’s bigger.

How does she now what a homeland is?


Filed under Everyday Stuff

3 Responses to Conversation with Anna

  1. Chelsea Claus

    That is so cute! They pick the strangest things up sometimes!

    P.S. WHere did the other blog post go that was here the other day? Praying for you guys still!

  2. atruerarity

    Chelsea, it’s been fun to hear from you on here! The other blog post appears to be on haitus – ha! We are so glad to have your prayers. How is your little bun in the oven doing? Your kids are ADORABLE. I’d love to get together sometime… but don’t know when. Too bad we live all the way across town. Moving anytime soon? 🙂 Looking forward to having more adoption news to blog. Not much to blog yet. We’re all sick today (and yesterday and the day before).

  3. Chelsea Claus

    A visit would be awesome! I’m actually having knee surgery next friday, so after I heal from that, we should plan something!

    The bun is doing well. 🙂 We find out the gender tomorrow!

    For a long time I couldn’t get my computer to load your blog for some reason, and then I kinda forgot about it with facebook and all. But I’m glad I found it again and my computer is loading it again for me! I can’t wait to hear a new adoption update, you all have definitely been on my mind and in my prayers, you are doing such a wonderful thing. Something I always always wanted to do, but am afraid won’t happen now.

    I’m sick too, the rest are almost better though. I hope you all get well soon!

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