Holiday Pictures

Here is Maggie looking sweet in her winter clothes as we got ready to look at zoolights with Grammy, Pappy and Jennifer!

Here I am with Maggie:

Anna was there and was adorable and had fun. She, however, is very camera shy these days and I don’t have a good picture of her. Here is Maggie running around holding Pappy’s hand. Sooooo cute!


The girls stayed up late and fell asleep on the way home. It was a special night!

Here they are all dressed up and ready for a Christmas Eve service! My mom and dad were able to come over and we had a very nice time!

Christmas morning! Here we are opening stockings! Then we went next door to collect Al & Julia for breakfast and presents!

End of the morning… another special memory made:

Maggie took a nap then, and we got ready to go across town for the rest of the holiday. Brian snapped a picture of the cold frame he built for his mom since we didn’t have a van that it would fit in to bring it to her yet. (doesn’t it look great! And he is making us one too!)

Next came a happy, sweet time with family!

We got really thoughtful and cool gifts this year! (Restaurant gift cards, great toys for the girls, and more!)

Here is Anna on her new “laptop!”

After a delicious meal and good times and talking, we headed off to another house for the night!

Look how big Hudson is getting! And I don’t know why Maggie was crying, she had a great time there in general!


Moms and dads are just the best!

All in all, it was a fantastic holiday! We got to go see Narnia too (although we didn’t get to see it with Tami, boo hoo!). This year seemed like we got just a little bit closer to a holiday that was about giving and sharing and helping others and a little further from “getting” – although we certainly GOT and are happy about it! 🙂 We are very blessed in our family and friends and grateful to be able to spend so much time together.

Oh, and we bought a 1996 Plymouth Grand Voyager – it’s gray!

And I cut my hair off. Don’t think it’s ever been this short. I cut it myself for locks of love and the stylist actually grimaced when she saw me come in. hehe She did a good job of redeeming my haircut disaster and I’m enjoying the simplicity of short hair!


Filed under Everyday Stuff

4 Responses to Holiday Pictures

  1. grandmaloves

    Great pictures, Rachel! It was so nice to spend so much time with you all. And I LOVE the haircut — you look great! 🙂

  2. Dad C.

    Great pictures Rachel – cute hair! but sadly no picture of the new van, you need to work on your priorities…. ;-/

  3. e

    L O L. I love that you cut it yourself and then went in…guts woman. guts. And it looks great! You look great! Can’t even tell that you cut it yourself.

    And yay about that van…or, at least a vehicle! I believe that somewhere in the future you list the pros and cons but my psychic ness isn’t that honed yet. Must work on that.

  4. e

    Oh, and that photo of your girls before Christmas Eve is SO cute!

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