an epic beach trip

Today concludes our epic beach trip of 2011. Much fun was had by all.

Although I think the grandkids had the MOST fun.

Down to the beach! The adventurer’s braved epic weather to enjoy the the Oregon Coast in it’s natural state.



Father and son

Maggie was all about making her epic mark on the earth.

And doing the beach boogie!

No! That way Grandpa!

Pretty girl.

Anna loved playing in the water with papa…

Until she got knocked down cause she was a little too far away when the epic wave came. Papa picked her up quickly but she was soaked and ready to go home. Still she braved a trip through the cave to see the other side of the beach! And we also got to play on the beach sunday, in the the sun! Can you believe it? We were all in such shock we forgot to take pictures.

Jennifer making Brian’s epic birthday dinner. Thanks Mom & Jennifer!

The epic entertainment: Smurfs on stairs!

Business women and their epic computers.

Thank you everyone for coming! You made it a special (one might even say epic) time!


Filed under Everyday Stuff

3 Responses to an epic beach trip

  1. intrepidhero

    Sorry about the small pictures. Click for full size. Someday I will be as good at this as Rachel is.

  2. Dad C.

    What a great time together!

  3. atruerarity

    Sweetheart…. you crack me up and I love you!

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