
We are so close to meeting our boys that I can smell it. There are only a few little steps between where we’re at now and having the go-ahead to buy airplane tickets.

Currently our last documents are in translation.
After translation is authentication. Then submission. by May 9?
Then getting registered as an adoptive parent. May 13?
Then getting referrals. May 20?
Then receiving written referral. June 10?
Then translating referral. June 15?

Somewhere in that process we get to buy airplane tickets! And somewhere in/after that we meet our boys! Hoping to meet our boys mid June!!! Ok, honestly, I’m hoping for even earlier, whether that’s realistic or not. Not knowing the process 100% allows me to hope I just don’t understand something and things might happen sooner.

I’ve thought a little bit about what the purpose of this trip will be. The official purpose is for us to accept the children’s referrals after visiting with them for a minimum of five days. We hope and pray that all will go according to plan. There is the possibility that we will not be able to bring both boys home. That will be up to us after we meet the boys and confirm more about their health status. I believe God has led us to both boys and I pray that we bring them both home.

But… more on a minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour basis, what will our time with the boys be about? Bonding? No! I don’t want them to bond with us. That may seem strange, but how terrible would it be for them to bond with us and then for us to abandon them for 4-6 months. I know that I will bond with THEM some amount… but I’m a grown up. I already know I have to leave for 4-6 months and that will be hard enough.

So I’ve thought of a couple goals. While with the boys, my goal is to learn as much about them and their living environment as possible… so that we can prepare for them more effectively and transition them as easily as possible when they come. What is their clothing size? What do they eat? How are they fed? What are their beds like? What sights and sounds are they used to? What words do they understand? How do they communicate? What do they enjoy doing? What are some of their “trouble” behaviors? Maybe we’ll get a glimpse of their personalities. What can the director tell us about their birth families, background and anything else?

When we’re not with the kids, we’ll do what we can to learn about the culture and history of their country. And we’ll enjoy their food. At least, I’m praying we will. One part of me that often reacts to stress is my tummy, so it’s possible I will feel ill while traveling. Hope not. Probably will to some degree or other. I wonder how long take-out lasts… can I bring it home? 🙂

Hoping to have updates for you all soon! And more pictures of Jordan!!! That single picture of him is totally unsatisfying. 🙂

1 Comment

Filed under Everyday Stuff

One Response to Waiting

  1. e

    Really great ideas for getting them adjusted once they get to come home with you. You guys are so responsible. And loving.
    Maybe you’ll feel well enough to eat your food on the plane home, or maybe you’ll even be able to eat it fresh! (New food a few days old? better than nothing I guess)

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