- This one just cracks me up. Maggie runs around in just her undies these days... potty training, you know. Anyway, she was protesting something, laying down and declaring "Maggie tired!" over an over. She looked so funny, we took a picture.
- The legos we got on Black Friday have been a huge hit with Anna. She and Brian followed the directions to build the special barn/house. (complete iwth carrots)
- Bible time before bedtime. All kids clean and ready for bed. Jordan is playing all over his part of the couch instead of sitting still for the first time....
- Mama getting Jordan love...
It’s been a good day in the Davis house. Jordan was wonderful today, playing with us several times, eating well, and even protesting nap with anger! It’s a good thing to be brave enough to be angry. 🙂 Observation: Jordan communicates about the level of a 6 month old. His cry is like a baby’s cry… not like a toddler’s cry. I don’t know how to describe it really, but toddlers cry different than babies. He began babbling today a bit, saying “mamama” and “lalalala.”
We spend our time with him imitating him mostly. Babbling baby sounds, tickling feet, imitating grunts and growls, and just generally making a nuisance of ourselves, hoping for a laugh instead of a turned back. Most of the time, we let him hang out. At first, I felt guilty about it, even though I know he needs a significant amount of time in his own space. But he is doing just fine, exploring a tiny bit, spending most of his time playing quietly by the woodstove.
Very good thing: once we figured out that Jordan gets cold really easy and started dressing him in multiple layers, we haven’t seen blue lips. Guess the poor boy was cold!
More videos:
When we have so many giggles in a row, somebody always runs for the camera:
Giggles 2:
I like how Brian starts off his list of foods with “Frosting, brownies, sugar cookies, butter… bread with butter” lol. So you don’t have to blend everything up for him? Did they just do that at the orphanage to make things cleaner and easier on the staff? Glad to see he’s getting a good american upbringing complete with desserts! 😀
aw, your two sweet girls! How are they doing with Jordan? I’m sure they were good and ready for their brother to come home!
So cute how Maggie watches Anna so closely and mimics her! Love the giggling and the interaction you are having with Jordan Scott!
Maggie’s imitation of Anna is hilarious and adorable. Loyal does the same thing to Cana. 🙂