This year, we have a garden that is not dying! Well, lots of it is alive and thriving. Last year it was just the thistles and grass, this year it is the thistles and grass and blackberries and blueberries and some other stuff! On request from my Mom, here is a tour of our garden today, June 12th.
Hello garden!
Hello little lettuce patch, peppers and lots of volunteer tomatillos.
Oh and hello tomatoes and snap peas!
I just love tomatoes.
Brian built all these rows by hand. With a shovel and a hoe. It was a lot of hard, heavy work and I just love it!
Blooming sage and rosemary near the brussel sprouts
Second year fruit trees! (They were bare root trees last spring)
Lots of delicious, approachable blackberry blooms!
Brian says I am fascinated by bees.
I admit that I am. I can’t wait until we have our own hives next year. See the bee flying away on the top right?
Can’t wait until august! How should I preserve these?
Isn’t she lovely? I love how close I can get. I could have sat down by the blackberries and just watched them for awhile.
This bright yellow furry bee must be some sort of bumble bee!?
This one got away (flying to left)
Here are our chicks – 5 weeks old today.
There is a: Buff Laced Wyandotte, Gold Laced Wyandotte, Barred Rock, Australorp, Welsummer, Americauna/Easter Egger, Buff Brahma and a Rhode Island Red. I had a lot of fun choosing them. They all lay brown eggs except one is dark brown and one will be blue or green.
We’re just a typical, atypical family in the Pacific Northwest. We homeschool, love Jesus and are learning as we go.
We have three beautiful daughters, born in 2007, 2009 and 2012 and two handsome sons, born in 2009 and 2013. (My sons are Bulgarian – arriving home in 2011 and 2017. If you’re curious about Bulgarian adoptions, I blogged about our experience.).
After learning about the need for adoptive families of children with disabilities, (and here and here) we began the process to adopt our son Jordan (who has Down Syndrome). He arrived home on December 3rd, 2011!. We were in process for Daniel (who has arthrogryposis) January-October 2017. You can see photos from our trips to Bulgaria by looking at June and Nov/Dec 2011 archives and May and October 2017.
Rachel That looks like a very large garden!! And it is growing so well!! Lots of good stuff soon. Those berries look great!!!