Jordan ate some barely smooshed blackberries in his applesauce! He does not allow ANY fruit into his mouth that is pureed and his eye is very sharp at noticing when we try to sneak them in. He WILLINGLY ate some of the smooshed blackberries during therapy time with Joanna. HOORAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the smudge on the lens, but I had no brain cells to wipe it that day. I was pooped and stressed out but I knew how funny this would be later (ok, it was a little funny then too), but Jordan was yelling and screeching for a good 20 minutes during the end of our Costco trip. It was piercing and everybody looked (really). He was coping with being ready to melt down and I was proud of him and I was coping and not melting down and I was proud of me. All in all, I don’t think we’ll keep our Costco membership, but it was a productive trip.