Sunny Days

Sleeping arrangements have been non traditional around here lately. I wanted my bedroom back from Daniel (my office is in our bedroom too!) so after 5/6 months, we moved him into the little girls’ bedroom. Several weeks later, Daniel had a rough patch and the girls were getting interrupted. Soooo, we asked if they wanted to sleep downstairs. They did! So the little girls have been sleeping in the living room almost every night for a few weeks. They’re enjoying that so much, I’m going to offer them a tent in the yard this afternoon. I’m betting they love it.

Anna and Brian went on a date for her 11th birthday.

After 3 months in a boot, I’m beginning to walk without it on my right foot.

Family resemblance.

Talked this handsome boy into the bright sunshine to get some sun.

My little boy. How I love him.

Hangin’ with Mama.

Jordan with a running hose…. it is very wise of me to stay far away.

Daniel on a rug in the sun. True story.

Anna finished her state testing – signed her up for the “takes about 8 hours one.” WHAT!? For fifth grade!? Glad that’s finished!

Honeybees making honey

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Progression of a Haircut

Daniel obligingly showed me all angles of his head for “before” photos and then Carolyn helped document the rest of the process. I am still not sure if this is my favorite cut on him, but I am happy it doesn’t look overgrown any more!!!

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Just Checking In

Carolyn at her well visit was in the 50th percentile for her weight and the 70th percentile for her height. That’s pretty typical for her. 5 1/2 years old and about 42 pounds and 3’10”.
Maggie was in the 4th percentile for weight and 15th percentile for height. That is also pretty normal for her! But it means that at 8 1/2 years old, her sister is almost the same size. Maggie was 46 pounds and 4’1″.

I went to the playground with all the kids and without any other adults. The sunshine and Jordan’s energy levels demanded it. Thankfully, it was successful!

His sweet little hand. He wasn’t quite ready to let me get a great photo of them, but I still love this picture with his smiling face in the back.

Anna is 11 years old! A food friend came and spent the afternoon with her… and root beer floats and a few gifts, of course!

You’ll notice that Maggie has a hard time being still. No, she is not allowed to climb on the window. Yes, we had to tell her more than once.


Ordered and planted a few thornless blackberry plants! They’re going where one variety of blueberry plant is failing, so we don’t have new garden work to do.

This is what the blueberries look like just a month or two after spraying the weeds…. them thistles are amazing.

Thistles for days.

Anna prefers to ride my bike.

Carolyn will now ride her bike downhill on her own! (She says she cannot go uphill yet)

Park day! Jordan had to stay far away from people so that he didn’t get wound up from successfully throwing bark at them. Boys!

It was HOT in the sun!

Mom! Take a picture of me jumping off!

Daniel explored for awhile on his own.

Mom! Take a picture of me climbing up the outside!

There’s Jordan’s empty wheelchair.

Jordan really loves to swing. I pushed him for a long time.

It did my heart good to watch my girls take turns loving on Daniel and taking him exploring. They pushed his wheelchair around so he could go farther and faster.

Daniel only lasted a minute, but he smiled while he did!

Chalk time.

After awhile, Daniel started asking to “Now home?”

Big girl.

Handsome boy.


Heart of hearts.

Me in a picture!

We sat in the grass and had snacks before going home.


Those are not his shoes. 😀


I had to get a video of Daniel for health insurance showing him going over different surfaces, without help, through a doorway, etc. He was not happy about being put in his wheelchair…. see the 2 seconds of tantrum at the beginning? Then I told him where a cell phone (with games on it) was and he very happily went to get it! Motivation. haha


Filed under Everyday Stuff

2017-2018 Homeschool Review

*2020-2021 School Curriculum
*2019-2020 School Curriculum and Review
*2018-2019 School Curriculum and Review
*2017-2018 School Curriculum and Review
*2016-2017 School Curriculum and Review
*2015-2016 School Curriculum and Review
*2014-2015 School Curriculum
*2013-2014 Review

We started the year with two strong months of homeschool. Then Daniel was adopted (nearly a month of travel/hospital/recoup) and then several months for homeschool to slowly get traction again. Not every subject will be complete at the end of the year, but I’ll use this blog post to share what I liked and didn’t like about each curriculum option.

Anna – 5th grade
1. Christian Light Education Reading, level 5 – Both Anna and I liked this. The stories were interesting, old fashioned, wholesome and (thankfully) engaging. They were a little long for it to be easy for her to read them aloud. The workbook lessons required her to practice reading comprehension as well as a smattering of spelling, grammar and grade-level instruction on story arcs and other same-level reading basics.
2. Teaching Textbooks Math, level 6 – Teaching Textbooks is still a win for me. The kids complain that it’s boring, so that’s a downside. However, the lessons are fairly short, over in under 30 minutes, including lecture, practice questions and the current lesson. Each lesson has about 20 questions plus a few practice questions. The lecture is easy on the ears and eyes, concise and well-paced. The curriculum level is roughly a year behind “average,” which is why Anna did Math 6 during 5th grade. Anytime she is confused about a question, she can ask them to show her how to get to the answer, not needing to call me. Anytime she makes a mistake, it logs that in the grade book, but allows a second chance… which is essential since sometimes they make mistakes with the keyboard or, increasingly, with accurate writing on their work, which encourages them to do it neatly the first time. (isn’t working yet, but at least she’s getting the idea!)
3. Christian Light Education Science and Lab Kit, level 5 Sadly, Anna thinks this is boring and that she already knows everything in the books. I would disagree and think it is a decent science curriculum with infrequent low-mess, high success experiments. We haven’t gotten very far through this, so I’m hoping we do get to the rest of this. Unlike earlier years, there is a textbook, although each lesson is not many pages. Like most curriculum where parents are mostly hands off, it’s not as vibrant as it could be if I engaged with it also. It’s been an excellent fit for this year and I hope to continue with it.
4. Christian Light Education Social Studies, level 4 (finish from previous year) I still like this curriculum, but because it relies heavily on reading comprehension, Anna does not like it. She finds the material mildly interesting, but gets so frustrated trying to remember what she read and then answer the workbook questions that it’s an overall negative. No fault of the book. Just something she’s learning to do!
5. Writing – survey of styles with prompts from me (write a play, story, journal, poem, etc.) I’ve wished for a more organized approach than this, in particular when it comes to me correcting and guiding it. But learning to write is such a multi-faceted skill, that it’s been a good fit for my perfectionist to “just start writing” and get some material out. Not sure what I’ll do in the future.
6. Christian Light Education Bible, level 5 I learned stuff in this curriculum and it continued to hold Anna’s interest and be one of her easier subjects. On the few lessons that she knew nothing about, it became significantly more difficult. It carried our momentum along until we got into the other more difficult subjects, so I’m grateful for that.
7. Story of the World History CD and workbook, Early Modern Times We haven’t done nearly enough of this! There were a couple chapters with far too many names and events for us to follow it, so we lost momentum. It’s also difficult to get everybody in the same room and ready at the same time. I hope to finish these discs before the year end, but I am not optimistic.
8. All About Spelling, level 1 This was a intensive, fairly rapid pace, but super beginner spelling curriculum. Even Carolyn participated. It is difficult to apply the amount of time necessary to really get a handle on all the different spelling rules that are taught. Thankfully, the material was so elementary that the amount of time that I could hold their attention was long enough to complete the curriculum. I was hoping to also do level 2 (regular beginner level) but anticipate pushing it to next school year. The little magnet letters and letter combinations and spelling rules are used every day. There is flexibility in whether I use the board or handwriting or some other form of making letters to spell the words. It did take several days to get the feel of this curriculum… it wasn’t super easy to just sit down and go and requires teacher involvement for the entire lesson.
9. Christian Light Education Art, level 3 We did art multiple times a week during the first two months but have not done any formal artwork since. I like this curriculum, because there is a specific skill that is being taught, because it is prepared and easy to use, and because many of the projects can be photocopied and given to siblings. Each level has focus on different sets of skills or types of projects… but the pages are all mixed up now and I don’t remember which go to which.
10. Ballet – Still a great fit for Anna. I wonder if we can do it next year too… it goes all the way through the end of June and I need to be finished in May.

Maggie – 2nd grade
1. Christian Light Education Reading, level 2 Like all CLE Reading curriculum, you read the story to yourself one day (and do the workbook lessons) and then read the same story out loud the next day. This program has been a great fit for Maggie.
2. Teaching Textbooks Math, level 4 Working well.
3. Christian Light Education Science, level 2 Maggie is loving the last books in this that focus on learning about a few specific types of birds. It’s been an easy program for Maggie, but holding her attention.
4. Writing with story pages We did a lot of these in those first two months. For Maggie, coalescing an idea into something she can articulate is the most difficult part. We scaled back and scaled back until she was able to invent a single sentence story, which she then illustrated. The funniest one is probably, “A humminbird flew backwards 50 miles per hour.”
5. Christian Light Education Bible 2 These aren’t exactly fluffy, but they were not challenging. It was a good filler curriculum to keep her reading and writing and applying herself. The material is interesting, but as church-raised kids, it was mostly familiar.
6. Story of the World History CD and workbook, Early Modern Times Reviewed more above. Haven’t gotten very far.
7. All About Spelling, level 1 Reviewed above.
8. Christian Light Education Art, Level 2 Reviewed above.
9. Martial Arts We did this for several months. It was enjoyable and they were learning. But once a week was barely enough and it proved difficult to leave the house in the evening… especially after Daniel came home. We retired this in favor of a family movie night.

Carolyn – preschool
1. Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons I still really like this book. It is logical, clearly laid out, in small bite sized chunks, and works really well. Carolyn did it with me frequently early in the year and then infrequently since. She’s reading so well that she’s doing the lessons near me now instead of totally together. (Together is better, but sometimes she wants to do more snuggle time than I can do at any given moment!)
2. Language Lessons for Today Did not dig into this.
3. Handwriting Without Tears, level 1 Very happy with this! She is completing her work – about a page each school day – and is learning how to make her letters. There have not been tears, so that is good!
4. Singapore Math Essentials Book A is considerably easier than book B. Book B was difficult at the beginning of the year, so we did only book A. (That does make sense, though!) Anyway, now that we’re doing JUST book B, Carolyn is having no trouble at all. So she understands the concepts of addition and subtraction and is getting familiar with many ways of writing the problems. Many of the problems (all of the earlier ones) use actual items to visualize the math and I believe that was helpful in conceptualizing. I plan to use Singapore math for first and maybe second grade too before moving into Teaching Textbooks.
5. Now I’m Reading! books Yeah – she’s got these down.

Mostly self-led studies:
– 1 year subscription to JAM Inventions – Some fun, but the kids didn’t dig into it after just a little while.
– A number of educational tv shows and movies (have any recommendations?) – Whenever possible, the kids avoid my learning shows. They did really love Survivorman, though!
– A stack of inexpensive science kits ($10-$20) including a “Magic” science kit, a bubble-gum making kit, perfumery, etc.- The chapstick was underwhelming. The others were good for keeping the kids interested on days when we didn’t have anything fun to do and it was rainy out. I don’t remember which ones they did, because I didn’t pay attention. That’s the weird part about self led. They did not really enjoy the owl pellets!
– A couple projects where i gather the materials and then let the kids have at it, such as birdseed ornaments, homemade rock candy and homemade slime: I think the one they did here was making candy dots. THey did that a few times. I should get them the stuff for the others. It fell by the wayside.

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Daniel – 6 months home

I have some great pictures from the last few weeks and Daniel’s first birthday party… for his fifth birthday. We love him so much and we are so impressed at how much he’s learning and doing. His understanding of the English language is impressive. He loves playing the naming game. After 6 months of immersion in his first language (he did not know Bulgarian), he speaks and understands as well as a two year old. It’s amazing. And he’s learning letters and numbers and shapes and colors and things like the older boy he is too. I asked him if he had a CD for his radio. He looked at the radio and pointed at some letters on it and said, “C? D?” Ha! Smart boy. Guess we need to teach him what a CD is called. Sadly, his CD player is already breaking. I need to get a different one.

Jordan continues to improve, though he still struggles some. We are soooooo happy about this!

Let’s see, Daniel tells us what he wants – either by crying or by requesting with words. He likes to tell us what he has and name all the things he sees that he knows the words for. He is not preoccupied with food and seems content to let me feed him at mealtimes. The bald spot on the back of his head is long gone. He does get really “stuck” on things he wants that he cannot have or doesn’t know how to do and will cry and rage and not try something different until we step in and either help him or remove him from what he cannot have/do. (For example, he is not allowed in Brian’s office but he will sit at the door and bang on it and scream and thrash… until I move him to another room and distract him or put him in his bed to calm down.) He has a favorite blanket, knows how to use cords and other random things to reach those things he can’t reach. He still prefers cords and music to other activities, but understands and participates happily in other activities like throwing, stacking, filling, emptying, make believe with toys and so forth. He rocks and taps and zones out more than I’d like, but I am content with how he is doing. He is a bright, adorable, fiery, sweet, precious little boy. I think I could call him “sweet and spicy?”

Daniel can make 2-3 word sentences… usually naming things with adjectives. “Daniel’s black cord.” “Jordan sad?” “Warm soup.” “Put it on?” “Plug it in!” “Daniel’s radio.” “Mama’s cell phone.” So mostly two-word combinations, but I think I’ve noticed more 3-word combos. He still has a need for more conversational verbs, but they are a little more difficult to teach!

Without further writing… here are photos!

Daniel headed outside in his chair. This was his first time in the chair outside.

Ready to get out of the house!

Being on a hill has a learning curve…. like… he thinks it’s great fun to pick up speed and go downhill. He doesn’t know about sudden stops yet!

Ugh – it is not easy in grass! Didn’t stop Anna from giving him a ride!

Being silly and sticking out his tongue.

We all danced at the end of cleaning the kitchen together. Loud silly music was required.

It was a quick in and out, but we made it to a family dinner out!

My big girls.

Either one of these kids is too cute for words. Both together and I’m am speechless with love.

We pulled together and had a birthday for Daniel!


Daniel’s grandparents made the drive up for a birthday dinner! Daniel refused to sit at the table, alas!

This is where he was.

Time for presents!

He remembered from Christmas! He knew exactly what he was supposed to do and was curious of what was inside.

It was a radio! We had trouble getting him to open anything else after that.

Well, it was hard to get him to open anything until I told him there were cords in the next one….

Daniel HEAVEN.

He was telling us their colors and putting them in their power blocks.



Talking about hair and boys’ haircuts.

Getting the radio working again!

All of us happy together in the play room.

Time for cake!

He understood!!!! He tried to blow them out! I blew when he did and he was indeed successful. 😀

Shirt off, towel down… and sisters there to set a good example. Daniel does not allow things into his mouth and hides from activities that involve food. I was happy he stuck around!

He even let me paint him without panicking!

He thought it was funny, but was too scared/nervous to try much touching himself.

The girls set a very good example. hahahaha (Jordan does not eat cake either)

I pointed the camera at Daniel and he stuck out his chest for me to see! Oh, he keeps me laughing.


We wrapped up the day with some music and dancing…. snapped this shot of my parents being adorable near the end. (Most of the dancing was silly, not adorable.)

Going outside for the first time:


Happy to have a break from the rain:

Opening gifts:

The radio!

Music together:

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