More about Yordan

Jordan/Yordan… same thing. 🙂

We got a piece of paper that gives us an update on Jordan as of April! He is crawling! And beginning to cruise on furniture! He is average height and weight for kids with Down Syndrome, which is small for typical kids. (About 5th percentile) Translated, he is 22.5 lbs. and 32″ tall! I cannot wait to meet our little guy!!!!


Filed under Everyday Stuff

5 Responses to More about Yordan

  1. Michael

    Thanks for sharing the good news about Jordan. I’m excited for you to meet him!

  2. Oh how great to get an update! My prayers are with you as you journey to him!

  3. Jordan sounds so precious!! I’m not trying to minimize your loss of precious James, but maybe because God knew James was going home with Him, that is why you were also blessed with the referral Jordan so you would still have a son to adopt from EE? I’m so happy you can still travel. You will be able to see where James lived his little life, thanks to Jordan. (((HUGS))) If you find my thoughts rude please forgive me, I was only trying to give another perspective.

  4. Mom D.

    Elizabeth, As the grandma, I appreciated your thoughts. Thank you.

  5. Carol

    How good it must be to hear more about Jordan. Our prayers are with you as you continue to grieve and also rejoice when you meet Jordan. I can’t believe you’re leaving the day after tomorrow!

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