Today: no links, no pics. Just a little fireside chat with our faithful readers. Well, treeside actually. I have been accused of using the word “actually” a bit more than necessary but I’m sure the readers of the BrianRachelBlog will forgive me. 🙂
At this precise moment I sit in my easy chair next to the brightly lit christmas tree listening to umm, some sort of christmas music, K103FM so some things I recognize others I don’t. Ah, Nat King Col, that’s better. “Though it’s been said many times many ways….”
Feeling semi-philosophical today. Where philosophers ponder life and death, we semi-philosophers ponder that which is between life and death, the everyday. The pleasant colors of the lighted christmas tree, the spicy taste of chai, and the cloudy grey sky. Such is the contemplation of the semi-philosopher.
The everyday lately has been such: go to school, try to pay attention in class, ride bus home and try to stay warm, listen to neighbors aweful music while I eat lunch, seclude my self in a somewhat quieter office and try to work on projects that have looming deadlines (or at least really ought to be done by now) until Rachel gets home. At which time, I switch gears, we pull a creative dinner out of thin air, mess up the kitchen, laugh, kiss, talk about the day, and get back at the noisy neighbors by making lots of noise ourselves. Then we read, and or play computer games while I try to convince Rachel that it is indeed warm in our house.
Now Rachel is lying on the couch telling me how she is shivering, toothless, with messy hair and we are waiting for company to come over so we can take them to the grocery store. How beautiful she looks! Later we shall watch some Harry Potter, admire our christmas tree and I will get to try out the latest in a long line of culinary masterpieces. Ah me, what an everyday to comtemplate.
For those of you preparing for the holiday season, for those of you preparing for finals, for those of you preparing for snow, I want to wish you the best of semi-philosophical holiday cheers, try to savour the everyday.
This has nothing to do with your post, but it is very geeky!
In ye old math lab John and I managed to burp out at least the first 500 digits on a single Pepsi a piece.
I love you Brian!
hmm, make lots of noise eh. We do that too, i’m sure our neighbors love us. Brick is not as sound-proof as youd like to believe. 😉 We had a vivacious pillow fight the otherday, I don’t seem to get hurt and cry, i get hurt and mad. Hmm…BRING IT ON!
So, those were delightful thoughts, we need a tree, and some lights. All of ours are still at the Caswells…theives. or should i say ‘us really busy and running around visiter from out of town’. So betwix the two of us, we are left lightless this christmas season. Bah humbug!
Did you ever get your lights from them? Thanks again for getting those.
Well, I am missing having a christmas looking house. I aught to go snip some fir branches from our neighbors trees and glue them together before i go mad.