It’s hard to see the trees at the back of the property. And when the snow blows in a wind gust, it’s hard to see anything. PRETTY AWESOME!!!!
So glad we’re all home now. Only had to push one car up the hill by our house and Brian was glad to have chains in his car as he left work early and it was still too slick.

Fun!!! And yes, it was about 20 degrees with a brisk 10 degree wind chill or something like that. I didn’t think they’d stay out… but stay out they did!

It’s very cold outside (20F) and the snow is powdery and not packing… so the girls got buckets to collect the snow to make a “sand castle snowman”

Looking out at the girls who were surprisingly not too cold out in the freezing cold with a strong EXTRA cold wind.
First of four playtimes outside:
Playing with Papa outside… the girls came in with icicles on their hair… they collected snow and put all the powder in one place to make better sledding. It has snowed several more inches since.:
Jordan looking out the window mournfully:
Wow! You guys got as much as we did!! It’s cold here too though…too cold to really enjoy playing in it in my opinion. 🙂 I think we’re at 6 degrees right now.