My brain is in about as much disarray as my desk right now and that means it’s not pretty. I would like to write in more detail… but think I will let the pictures on my camera tell the story for me. There are a LOT of pictures, so I think this post will be in a few pieces.
Piece 1:

Pictures of the fence for my dad! We had a hard time deciding where to put the fence by the driveway and in relation to the coop. I kinda wish we had made the pasture bigger and the yard smaller, but it’s done now.

Looking along the front of the property. We left the public right-of-way unfenced just in case the road is ever widened.

Here’s standing on the road looking down the fence that divides the “garden” side of the property from the house side. THat’s a pile of compost we purchased to jump start our gardens. Haven’t gotten it moved yet.

This is the grass-covered driveway easement on the side of the property. If you look with a magnifying glass, you can see the big gate to the back field there on the left.

Many parts of our property are really, really wet. We had to make ourselves a path of some concrete edgers we had handy just so we could run a wheelbarrow across the ground. When we move the bricks again, this is what it looks like.

Because of the standing water, we decided to dig a ditch along where the blueberries are to lower the water table. You can see Brian assembling the garden bed that we will hopefully plant stuff in asap!
Your fence looks GREAT!!! So excited for you!