So much keeps happening and I haven’t updated! There have been many special things and some real lows, but we are sleeping alright (YAY!) so we just keep on keeping on! I have some looooong lists that are stressing me out, but my desk is clean and the laundry is mostly caught up, so hopefully life will just keep sorting itself out like it has a tendency to do. Brian’s allergies have started and Maggie had a fever and sore throat last night, so I may be making another strep throat test trip this morning. I hope it doesn’t go around with everybody!
So without further ado, I want to share those “special things” I mentioned at the beginning. These are the parts of life where we were making memories of the good sort:
Most recent:
Tamera (Brian’s Mom) came and stayed overnight – just her. It was a real treat! It was the first time we’ve done this except for when a baby was born and it was a sweet time of connecting and the kids making memories. We went to the Children’s Museum together for Anna’s birthday and Grammy made desserts (chocolate rice krispies with ice cream and chocolate sauce….. SO GOOD!) and then we went to church together the next morning. There was a horrible bloody nose by Jordan at the museum (speaking of lows) that was scary for Jordan, traumatic for Mommy and caused momentary panic and havoc. Note to self and other SN parents: since holding/restraining the bleeding child causes more screaming and spraying of blood, it can be better to quickly find something to stuff into nostrils to stop the leaking and then be more hands off while the bleeding resolves (so that they can calm down). Church together was special, evening talk time was sweet, kids loving grammy was precious and… I took pictures with my eyes and left the camera away. Sorry. 🙂
Ok – now starting from the oldest bloggable news:
AWANA awards night with Grammy while my Mom was still here.
There was a special Mother’s Day out with my sister, her baby Noralie and my Mom. We had a real special time of just spending time together. I miss my mom a lot… but I am so happy she is “home” with my dad now. Six weeks is a long time to be apart. Dad gets to visit us soon… so that will be another 3 weeks apart for them. But it’s going to be pretty cool for us to have him here!
We got to go to a parade!
Farewell to Mom and so proud of you!
Some sunny days!