Maggie is two months old already!
Having a movie star for a big sister is so great!
The movie star herself!
Here she is with her trainer:
Baby legs!
I see braces in her future (self portrait):
Picture by Anna:
Meanwhile, I seem to have a hard time getting anything done except reading books, rocking Maggie and trying to teach Anna (how to not throw tantrums). On a good day, Maggie sleeps well when she sleeps, is adorable and happy when awake, Anna plays happily and the dishes get done. On a typical day, I hold Maggie while sitting on the couch most of the day and get up to run laundry out, quickly wash a few dishes, kiss Anna’s invisible owies and read. And let’s not talk about bad days. Good and average days are very nice. We don’t need to revisit bad days. Right? Good. (Somebody tell the kids) I am still exercising three times a week, although I only did once last week due to my cold. Thankfully, that seems to be gone!
Time for Anna to watch Madeline, her latest favorite movie!