Watch out fellas, she’s coming for us and she’s got a purple elephant rattle!!!!
Today I went strawberry picking for the first time this year! It went much better than anticipated. Maggie didn’t whine much and was content to eat rocks and sticks and stuff (why not strawberries????). Anna actually filled her bowl with fairly edible strawberries! She must be growing up! Boo hoo!
Here is Anna bringing Maggie a strawberry – Anna is my big helper.
Favorite past time is spitting. No, she wasn’t trying to get anything out of her mouth. Although she should have. It’s a good thing I steeled myself before going out to the field, because she was CHEWING on dirty field rocks.
YIKES! Wow, Rachel, you have really steeled nerves. 🙂
Yep… now I’ve just got to get my muscles so steeled.