I have had a revelation!!!
Have you ever wondered where the lint comes from? You know, the lint that collects in your brush… or comb if that’s what you use. I HAVE FOUND THE SOURCE!!!
Perhaps you have already had this revelation or had someone tell it to you, but it is a new understanding for me and I wanted to share it with you all.
was sitting today… umm… well, I was sitting in the bathroom. And I
was staring rather blankly at my hairbrush sitting on the bathroom
counter. I saw the lint tangled deep within its long teeth – no
surprise there. Then, even as my eyes lost focus and began to wander
somewhere new like the faucet a revelation hit me!!!
towels! The towels are the source of the lint!!! Ah-HA! Clarity and
bright light shone and a little ding noise was made as all the pieces
finally fit into place. The towel leaves little pieces of towel lint
in your hair and are left in the brush (or the aforementioned comb)
when you fix your hair.
*sigh* I’m so glad to know that now.