Category Archives: Everyday Stuff
Kittens again!
We’re fostering kittens again. These ones are a little older and aren’t with a mother. They are adorable and sweet and my bathroom smells really bad. It’s the truth. They’ll be available for adoption on June 4th. We’re having fun … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
We have found farming to have a pretty big learning curve. We’ve made more mistakes than I would like. And stuff has gone wrong. And there have been setbacks. And it’s been more expensive than I planned. And yet, we’re … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
Parks and more…
Exercise was going really well awhile back, but then I got that one upper respiratory thing that was really bad. You know, cough, trouble breathing through the crud, lasted about six weeks. So I’ve been working myself up to get … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
April 2016
Let’s see….. here are some photos from April of this year! Anna and Maggie are taking elective classes once a week at a local program. We just started and I think we’ll keep it up next year. Anna’s taking art, … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff