Category Archives: Everyday Stuff


Last year we started a tradition of “camping” at our house with my sister’s family for a couple nights. I hope it’s a tradition we can continue for many years to come. This year was really special as the kids … Continue reading


Filed under Everyday Stuff

Jordan Love

Jordan ate some barely smooshed blackberries in his applesauce! He does not allow ANY fruit into his mouth that is pureed and his eye is very sharp at noticing when we try to sneak them in. He WILLINGLY ate some … Continue reading

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Filed under Everyday Stuff

Depression after a year

Diagnosis Medications Side effects What I think of myself The future A year ago, I had emerged from a physically and emotionally grueling phase of life called adoption, pregnancy, moving and extended loss of sleep. I was used to feeling … Continue reading


Filed under Everyday Stuff

Camp Attitude 2015

I’ll post pictures later, but here are two videos from the talent show. The first is Jordan’s turn in the spotlight. Jordan’s talent is….. starting a snowball fight! The second video is Anna and Maggie… their talent is ballet. A … Continue reading


Filed under Everyday Stuff


Did you hear the news!? This fall our family gets to go to Disneyland! I am pretty stoked about it. I got to go to Disneyland when I was about five years old and am excited to return. I’m excited … Continue reading


Filed under Everyday Stuff