Category Archives: Everyday Stuff
I’m sorry the blogging has been in fits and bursts lately. I find myself absorbed by daily happenings with few brain cells to spare at the end of the day for putting thoughts into words. God is good and we … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
June Pictures
I don’t remember going for very many walks, but look, here are pictures of another walk at the park! Hood strawberries are the best! Coloring book for grownups? Here are a few pictures of Anna and Maggie preparing for their … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
May photos!
Lots and lots of great pictures for the grandmas and grandpas!
Filed under Everyday Stuff
Le Garden Tour de Tour de Garden
This year, we have a garden that is not dying! Well, lots of it is alive and thriving. Last year it was just the thistles and grass, this year it is the thistles and grass and blackberries and blueberries and … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
Hello all! Some people have wondered about my parents and their time in Uganda and what they’re doing. So here you go: Uganda is a gorgeous African country with wonderful people and a thriving church. However, like most countries, there … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff