Category Archives: Everyday Stuff
Blah blah blah
Hello world! I don’t know why I haven’t blogged. Been busy with just living everyday life, I guess. And I’m out of candy at my desk. Helps me to focus. Just kidding. Last night I took a deep, hot bath … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
Two Carolyn Videos
I think two might be the most adorable age ever. Didn’t know stuttering could be adorable, did you? Here’s Carolyn in my bedroom this morning: “Don’t take picture me!” Mom and Dad – see that giant pile of blankets in … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
Christmas and New Year!
Christmas was really special and not stressful this year. Brian had two weeks with almost no work… the first was full and busy, the second was quiet and involved lots of computer games and sleeping in and hanging with the … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
Story of my Guilt
I have been doing a lot of soul-searching lately. If you aren’t aware, I’ve been struggling with depression since crashing sometime in the summertime. I am back on some antidepressants and while they are helping me, I’ve been doing some … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
Cutie Patooties
I have a really funny story from Thanksgiving that involves Glen and Maggie. We did a white elephant gift exchange. Somebody brought a gift that was a toy that made a variety of (ahem) farting sounds when you push the … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff