Category Archives: Everyday Stuff
2014 Parent Input for IEP Goals
I’m rather proud of this, so posting it here: October 12, 2014 Dear School Team, We are extremely grateful for the work you do to teach Jordan and to help develop his IEP. For us, having a detailed IEP is … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
Just Because
My list is long, but my desk is messy and some of the things on the list are challenging…. so I’m doing something easy first: blogging! Then I will figure out health insurance, IEPs, chores, homeschooling and whatever other stuff … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
6am Woke up and immediately sat up. 6:03 Realized I was dreaming sitting up and lay down again 6:20 Woke up for real and pulled warmer clothes over jammies. 6:30 Read a couple Web comics and checked Facebook. 6:40 Ate … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
September at the Davises
One little story: There once was a little girl named Carolyn. She turned two years old. The next day, she decided she was big enough to go potty in the big potty. Ask her, she will tell you she is … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
Heart Change
Last month I got to participate in a personal growth workshop called Heart Change. It was an experience that touched my heart deeply and drew me closer to my Father. We had a “graduation” last night where we had an … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff