Category Archives: Everyday Stuff
Spring Catchup
My brain is in about as much disarray as my desk right now and that means it’s not pretty. I would like to write in more detail… but think I will let the pictures on my camera tell the story … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
I know it’s been a long time since I’ve blogged. I have lots of great pictures and probably some stories, but am so busy chasing life that I haven’t had time to sit and write about it. Jordan has new … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
Young but Not Young Anymore
You want to have your perspective improved by reading this short post about just the three most recent girls WIC is helping in Uganda. Oh, how I want to go scoop up these mamas and babies. And how it helps … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
Cousins = Treasure
In our family, there are lots of spring birthdays. Six. Four in April, Two in May. (Jackson, Melissa, Anna and the new baby will be born in April…. and Felicity and Jordan were born in May) We decided to have … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
Letter for a First Born Daughter from her Dad
Dear Anna, You are my oldest daughter. As the oldest, you have many privileges and many responsibilities. I have many expectations and hopes for you. I was the oldest child in my family too and sometimes it was hard to … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff