Category Archives: Everyday Stuff
Spring Update
“I was thinking last night, after eating kefir, drinking dandelion tea and talking about gluten free, I think it’s time I get some Birkenstocks and a Volkswagen!” ~Brian Spring is here with wind and rain and hail and sun and … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
I was having the girls do a chore today and talking about how if they did it with a good attitude there would be a reward. Anna asked, “What kind of reward papa?” I told her, “You know sweety, the … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
Alva Big Baby Diaper Review – aka Special Needs Diaper Option
I have been wanting to cloth diaper Jordan. However, I he’s grown out of his diapers! A few options: Snap-EZ (“snap easy”) in the US makes different kinds of cloth diaper styles in infant, youth and adult sizes! How awesome … Continue reading
Filed under Everyday Stuff
Removed: A Glimpse into the Life of a Foster Child
This is moving. And educational. And pretty heavy. And really good.
Filed under Everyday Stuff