Pictures from February and March

Favorite family photo…. as the tripod blew over!


I’ve wanted to blog a million times, but haven’t. I am going to upload a bunch of pictures, caption them, and call it a blog post! Then I’m going to cook some chili and vacuum some floors.

Okay. January. January was hard. Difficult beach trip and overextended physically and emotionally…. and repeated mild illnesses. Not all bad, though – the beach was beautiful, schoolwork went fine, and I dove back into my old favorite craft: leatherworking!


Ballet observation day, English Country Dancing (crowded and fun! Pre-Coronavirus situation!), and a family gathering for my Dad’s birthday!

Top of the “mountain!”

Dad’s birthday in the Mellinger’s new house!

The view from a hike with Brian

Endless oranges

Maggie, teaching Neal and Nora some taekwondo.

Grandpa before falling asleep! (Actually, I think he stayed awake for his whole birthday!)

Dad’s birthday party – the whole family was there! (My parents and all their kids and grandkids)

This icebreaker dance is the longest follow-the-leader!

English Country Dancing!

My pretty mama and my sister’s baby!

My big boys

Tessa playing with (pestering?) Daniel.

Sisters! I went through a lipstick phase for two weeks. It was fun.

I mostly took pictures of stretching.

Core workout!

Port au bras



Daniel has been looking at books lately! Here he is with Garfield in a swing.

I’m exercising regularly! Alternating walking/jogging and a home workout, modified for my specific join issues!

We were sick for a few days… Anna was napping it off with her headphones and puppy.

March…. when somebody figured out that the Coronavirus is something to take seriously.

Little “Mini” got some shedding done with my help!

Boots in the sun!

Time for a picnic lunch!

My little shaded flower bed got a much-needed weeding for spring. Also planted some hostas, bleeding hearts, and another flower in with the primroses.

Sunny days.

Captain got a haircut!

Gorgeous morning hike!

Making beeswax lotion bars in my “double boiler”

I love flannel.

The lotion bars are poured! I incentivized my daily exercise with a reward for every 14 days completed. I’m money-motivated and was so excited to buy the supplies for making these!

Young sourgrass sprouting. (I think it’s really called wood sorrel)

Before the Coronavirus, I wore weird things to help with my hypersensitivity caused by some virus. It’s moderating finally, so I can do things without all the extra layers most days now.

Surprise single day of snowy winter!

My children are so creative! They have so much fun!

I don’t know where this train was going.

The finished “Organic Beeswax Lotion Bars” in their gift packaging.

Prettiest birdbath around, thanks to some shells from my uncle Kevin.


Senior Master Mason has found a way to keep us all connected and practicing taekwondo together still.

Surprise snowy day!

Half of my lotion bars are these pretty things! The other half look like the cupcake liners they came out of…. those are the ones we’re using ourselves.

Buddy is a big boy! My kind neighbor allowed me to go groom!

Found a few more from February when our friend came and helped us with yardwork for a whole day!:


Daniel wanted to go outside, but it was still too cold and wet for him to scoot in the grass.


Maggie found a cool rod.

Everybody helped!


River came to help! Here is Maggie taking a break with him.

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Filed under Everyday Stuff

A dream

Play in the background if you want.

there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets – Daniel 2:28
I often find myself bewildered by the suffering people endure, the hate that people spew at each other. I am overcome with the wonder and beauty of creation. I am in awe of the love that people show, the mercy and kindness that warms my heart. How can these things all be mixed up in one world, one people? Does anyone have a plan or purpose in it? These are mysteries and secrets. Thank you Lord you are behind them all, working them to bring greater glory and goodness into being. You will heal and redeem every hurt. You will nurture and grow every beauty. All will serve to create your better kingdom. You will reveal it.

The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day. – Proverb 4:18
I used to think this verse meant I wasn’t very righteous, because it seemed like I was stumbling around in the dark a lot. But I realized that if the dawn is just a gleam, there is a lot of dark around. In the early morning, when the eastern sky is just barely a gleam of light, look anywhere else and it’s dark and hard to see. But the promise is still there. Nothing can hold back the dawn. The Son will rise to the full light of day.

So you have sorrow now, but I will see you again; then you will rejoice, and no one can rob you of that joy. – John 16:22

Those who have been ransomed by the LORD will return. They will enter Jerusalem singing, crowned with everlasting joy. Sorrow and mourning will disappear, and they will be filled with joy and gladness. – Isaiah 35:10

The sorrow and darkness is here now. But it won’t always be this way. The dawn is coming. He will see us again. We will see Him. We will rejoice. Like seeing the light after a long, cold night. It won’t matter what dark memory is in our hearts, the Son will heat every corner and burn away every cobweb. Nothing you’ve done or has been done to you can dim that light. He will give us His joy.

When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. – John 14:3

I had a dream that I was waking
At the burning edge of dawn
And I could see the fields of glory
I could hear the sower’s song

I had a dream that I was waking
At the burning edge of dawn
And all that rain had washed me clean
All the sorrow was gone

I had a dream that I was waking
At the burning edge of dawn
And I could finally believe
The king had loved me all along

I had a dream that I was waking
At the burning edge of dawn
I saw the sower in the silver mist
And He was calling me home

The Burning Edge of Dawn – Andrew Peterson


Filed under Everyday Stuff

Daniel Eating

Daniel has probably never had a positive eating experience. He definitely has experienced extended trauma surrounding food and eating.
He has not eaten with his mouth since we got him home and to the hospital, October 2017. We’ve given opportunities, but no pressure. He’s calmly told us no and trusted that we won’t force feed him.
This weekend, I asked him to stop refluxing into his mouth… it’s bad for his teeth. He was distraught. Trauma sucks, y’all. He struggled with this demand in deeper ways than I expected when I told him “all done burping in mouth.”
Then I offered him to use the syringe to put food in his mouth that way instead. I told him it was like a pretend burp.
Friends….. look!!!!!!!!!!!





He’s eaten more than half his meals this way for three days now. I’m so proud of him!!!

For fun:

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Filed under Everyday Stuff

You are Safe

Daniel learned that hands are not safe in those 4 1/2 years at the orphanage. He flinches, squeezes his eyes shut and hunches his head between his shoulders if we move quickly or reach for him unexpectedly. He does the same thing when he’s being naughty and we approach him.

He also panics any time he feels his needs won’t be met. He can’t have a toy? Panic. He can’t listen to the radio right now? Panic. It’s going to be 30 seconds to microwave lunch before he can eat? Panic. Panic looks like screaming and it looks like self harming and it looks like a tantrum.

We’ve been teaching him words to help. We tell him, “You are safe. Mama is taking care of you. Mama loves you. It will get better.”
It makes me proud and it tears my heart out when he repeats it back: “Daniel safe. Mama take care of you. Mama love you. Soon it be better.”

Babies shouldn’t have to learn how to feel safe.

Another foster/adoptive mama shared this with me today. I love it.

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Filed under Everyday Stuff

erit verbum non revertetur ad me vacuum

Isaiah 55 NLT
Isaiah 55 KJV

If you don’t read any of this, at least listen to this song and turn it up when the music gets quiet.
The Sower’s Song (Andrew Peterson)

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void… – Isaiah 55:11a

So: Like the rain and the snow that comes down from heaven. A gift from God that gives us life.
shall: Not maybe: certainly. His power is absolute.
my: By the authority of God almighty.
word: The living word of God, by which all things were made, who is Jesus Christ. A fire in our bones.
be: that which is from the beginning, is in the present, and it is our future.
that: Wait for it, what is going to happen?
goeth: It goes, it’s active, working, doing. God’s word is not a passive thing.
forth: A light from God to us! For our benefit.
out: This word comes out of God to us.
of: It is of God.
my: It is God’s word and not another’s.
mouth: Everything from the mouth of God is good.
it: His Word is not to be refused. His Word is stronger.
shall not: when God spoke from Sinai no one could listen. When spoken at the last will shake the earth. Who can fight against His word?
return: As His word will return, so should we.
unto me: His Word returned to His right hand.
void: His Word has done, is doing, and will do, all that He has in mind.

I once stood on a rock behind a big waterfall. I could feel the cold spray on my face, all I could see was rushing water falling past me and I could feel it pounding on the rocks. The word of the Lord is like that waterfall. It rushes to the edge, it falls with power and shakes the earth. It overwhelms all and nothing can stop it.

The LORD has spoken! – Isaiah 25:8

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