About Ruby

My big-eared friend

My big-eared friend

I find myself calling her “Ruby-Lou.” She is recorded as a stray in California and was transported to the Humane Shelter up here, because the ones down there are overcrowded. She’s listed to be a German Shepherd/Husky mix, which seems right, except she is super mellow and has spotted feet. Also, they guessed she is two years old and healthy, although at her vet check, the vet guessed 2-4 years old.

When you walk through a echoing, concrete room full of dog kennels, you know those pups are under some serious stress. Although they are safe, fed and given necessary veterinary care, it’s just not a relaxing, homey place. All the dogs respond in their own way. Some are vigilant, some are watchful, some whine, some bark, some come up to be petted, some come and jump on the gate, some stand wary, some ignore you and some just look plain scared. Ruby sat. She sat not far from the gate and looked up at us. She got up and came to us when we stopped at the gate and permitted what pet we could manage through the fence. She looked about as happy and relaxed as could be possible in a place like that.

Ruby walked to the visiting room with very little pulling on the leash. Tongue hanging and eager to get out and about, she came right up to us once she was in the meeting room. She came so close, in fact, that I found her pretty much on my lap… not shoving herself there, but somehow just being there. Reminds me of my kids… how do they end up on my lap with a book that I’m reading when I am sure I said “not right now” two minutes ago? So, she’s a bit of an opportunist and a little needy for companionship. But she didn’t wiggle or behave obnoxiously, so that was good. She’d been spayed just the day before.

So she came home with us. We’ve just had her for five days. She has never been house trained and she has more energy than she did at first… poor thing going through all those transitions after a spay. She loves to just be with us and she is great with all the dogs and cats in the neighborhood. Only sad thing is that she’s not loose to play with them like she’d love. (Our house is the only one with a fenced yard.) I’ve been grateful for the dry weather so I can leave her outside for awhile now and then. I really enjoy the relaxation of sitting outside with her (often with her next to me) but I am really just hoping she’ll go potty so we can go back inside. She’ll catch on.

Twice she’s been loose when our chickens came through the fence into her part of the yard. Both times she’s chased them, but backed off when I hollered at her. Neither time did she do anything but look curious when the chicken went to ground and was still.

So…. I’m hoping. Hoping, hoping hoping. I’m hoping we get to keep her. I’ve never seen a sign of anxiety out of her and she just loves all of us, even Jordan who hasn’t learned to be nice. Her German Shepherd therapy dog side is strong and I’m hoping it will overpower her youthful tendencies. Honestly, I’ve fallen in love with her and I’m scared it won’t work out. I really love a furry shadow in the house, even that yappy, nippy tiny Missy that we had for a couple months.

Here’s hoping! And praying.

SAM_8328 (Large)


Filed under Everyday Stuff

2 Responses to About Ruby

  1. Katie

    Shepherds are good protective dogs. Huskies will attach pretty strongly to the “pack leader”. We had a half husky an she was a good doggie. She Thought my mom was the top dog, but never showed any intolerance of the rest of us. She was an opportunistic snuggler, and lovingly chewed all the cats, but never hurt one. Hopefully Ruby will work out!

  2. Reta Chapman

    A dog in the family can be great therapy. Sounds like ruby will fit the bill!!

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