Catching Up #1

Back in August, we had our annual family “camping” trip. It’s basically camping, except we’re at my house. Got that? Camping. But with a home and all its amenities like beds, bathrooms, living rooms and all that. We think it’s pretty stellar. We have tents set up and a campfire and hot dogs and spend lots of time outside. 🙂 🙂

We had another batch of adorable kittens back in August!

We had another batch of adorable kittens back in August!

Austin and Brian played with the Erector set that I found at a garage sale. Complete with Baby Tessa!

Austin and Brian played with the Erector set that I found at a garage sale. Complete with Baby Tessa!

Austin is a real pro when it comes to baby handling while playing games.

Austin is a real pro when it comes to baby handling while playing games.

Mom and Dad fixed our breakfast! It's my kind of camping.

Mom and Dad fixed our breakfast! It’s my kind of camping.

So much fun was had by all the cousins!

So much fun was had by all the cousins!

Kids primarily wore dressup... followed closely behind by pajamas.

Kids primarily wore dressup… followed closely behind by pajamas.

It was warm, but not hot and we all went to the park for a nice walk.

It was warm, but not hot and we all went to the park for a nice walk.

The park happens to be by the river... and we were just going to stop and look at it.

The park happens to be by the river… and we were just going to stop and look at it.

Just looking. Staying dry.

Just looking. Staying dry.

Maggie has very good balance.

Maggie has very good balance.

And a sense of exploration.

And a sense of exploration.

It's a beautiful river on a beautiful day. Want to guess how long they stayed dry?

It’s a beautiful river on a beautiful day. Want to guess how long they stayed dry?


We parents were happy and relaxed.

We parents were happy and relaxed.

Neal was teaching rock-skipping skills and generally being agreeable.

Neal was teaching rock-skipping skills and generally being agreeable.

The river exploration began.

The river exploration began.

All the "big kids" made it across!

All the “big kids” made it across!



We held the four and unders back on our side of the river. They didn't seem to mind.

We held the four and unders back on our side of the river. They didn’t seem to mind.

1 Comment

Filed under Everyday Stuff

One Response to Catching Up #1

  1. Reta Chapman

    Beautiful!!!! What special families!!!

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