A Normal Day

I don’t know why I typed this. For some reason I wanted to write it down.

A day at home. Normal version.

6:15 – Brian’s alarm goes off and I go back to sleep, listening to the beginning stirs of Daniel and Jordan who have been waking up before 7 for awhile.
6:45ish – I try to sneak to the bathroom without Daniel seeing me.
6:50 – Sing Daniel’s good morning song and get him up, wrap a robe around myself and begin the day. Go downstairs and eat the eggs Brian made for me.
7:10 – Get Jordan up before his stomps and giggles and shrieks wake the girls and take him potty, redress, take him downstairs.
Make Jordan’s breakfast (oatmeal, butter, milk, egg, brown sugar, cook, add yogurt) and feed it to him with a glass of juice.
Give hugs to the girls as they trickle in and help them get their milk or juice poured if the cartons are too full, listen to dreams had the night before, talk about what they did/will do/imagined and tell them that they do indeed need to do their chores today.
Fix Daniel’s meals – breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner – from the meals made previously and stuck in the fridge. Take out more food from the freezer for Daniel or Jordan as necessary.
Sit down to feed Daniel his breakfast. Be sure to send Jordan to the playroom so he doesn’t get into trouble while I’m busy.
8:10 – Go get dressed, maybe shower, check email, read facebook, look at the calendar, remind the kids to do their chores (x100 – just assume I’m doing this until 9-11am or whenever they are finished). Today I have a pediatrician appointment at 9:30am for Daniel… scheduled specifically for today, because Brian is working from home, which means I can leave Jordan home at least.
Respond to Daniel if he cries or yells… or ask one of the girls to.
Try to make my bed and straighten up the bedroom.
Make phone calls – reschedule appointments, fix the auto insurance, mail Christmas cards, enter receipts, balance the budget, etc.
Do my 8 minute workout thingy (30 Day Fitness app)
Hold still and be quiet for a moment.
10am – feed Daniel his snack, feed Jordan his snack, change Daniel’s diaper, take Jordan potty, start the girls on schoolwork.
Rotate through kids doing schoolwork.
11:30am – lunchtime – start the girls on lunch, feed Jordan his lunch (that boy is always hungry!) and then take him to the bathroom. Feed Daniel his lunch and change his diaper. Remember I haven’t put vaseline on his lips (he doesn’t lick his lip, so it’s always dry and flaky). Update Daniel’s food/poop/supplements chart.
Help the girls with their lunch.
Remember that we eat dinner every day and pray I have something easy to make.
Remember that I need to eat healthy and dig around the fridge for food. Find the tea I started earlier and pretend it’s ice tea. Eat. Drink.

1pm – Enter the zone of not remembering. I’m typing this in the morning and I don’t remember what happens in the afternoon.

I think i wander from place to place trying to remember what I should be doing, putting out fires with the kids, attempting down time that never really happens and stuff like that. Monday and Thursday I drive Anna to ballet. Yeah, going to just call this little post good. I need to take that shower!

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