Coupons, Anna’s Injury and more

Here is Anna’s smile before she fell off a chair!!!

Here she is again the day after. Today (two days later) the swelling is almost completely gone in her lip.

Here is Anna putting on her own pants this morning. It was really cute – she had both legs all the way into one leg hole and she stood up and managed to walk around a little.

Here is what I got for a total of $19. It would have been less, but I had to buy a box of kleenex in the store (atchoo!) and bought lots of dried fruit for Anna:

Here’s my belly at 7 weeks with Anna and now… at seven weeks in the first picture I had dropped 8 pounds. This time, I’m managing the morning sickness better and have just maintained my non-pregnant weight. The main difference in my tummy between the two is the general rearranging Anna did before she was born! 😀

Scrubbing the floor!

Video of Anna making funny faces:

Anna scrubbing the floor:

Anna just being normal:

As for Twilight. Emily, I knew you would be stabbed in the heart and desperately disappointed in me for liking a chick flick, book or movie. But not everybody can love the gory war movies like you – I confess I am of a weaker sort. I didn’t think that Missy would like the movie, because although she loves the book, she also loves the Kill Bill movies which I can’t even begin to stomach. I don’t know Jennie’s taste in movies! Regardless, it should come as little surprise that I loved the movie. Bella was just like I imagined her. Edward at times was as I imagined him and at times wasn’t. In general, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. But I’ve always been a sucker.

P.s. Anna’s sitting next to me repeating after the little buttons on the side of her winnie the pooh book. It totally cracks me up when she says “Oh Dear” like Rabbit in a little old lady voice!


Filed under Everyday Stuff

8 Responses to Coupons, Anna’s Injury and more

  1. e

    1: Aw! Did it push her tooth in too or am I just looking at the picture funny?
    2: That’s so funny about the pants! Wow An, you are growing up fast! And just in time- you will have a bro/sis to teach this cool stuff to soon!
    3: Way to go RAE! Workin that coupon mojo of yours! (Bummer about the kleenexes, but that’s life)
    4: YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY! You’re going to get FAT this pregnancy! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. None of that cheating by becoming bulimic. Tisk tisk. AK! But maybe it’s not just because you don’t barf, maybe it’s TWINS! (Some one has to say it.)
    5: Your floor looks amazing. I’m glad it wasn’t you down there doing that…a little premature to be trying that method of bringing labor on.
    6: Rachel, movies are meant for entertainment. If they entertain you YAY! If they don’t there’s not much point in watching them. Same with books. Most of the time. This kind of book- definitely. I am happy for you. Stabbed in the heart! What a romantic you are! 🙂
    7: Can she stutter like Piglet? O! Da da da dear!

  2. atruerarity

    yes her left front tooth is pushed in.

    We’ve got to teach her to talk like p-p-p-piglet!

  3. atruerarity

    Oh and 4. HAHA! 😛 Nobody really needed to say it was twins!

  4. e

    Yes, someone always has to say it. Always. That goes without saying. Pregnancy wouldn’t be complete if it weren’t said.

    WaIT! it just occured to me! I read the wrong meaning into that sentence… you meant that no one needs to SAY it’s twins cause it IS twins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!! GO RACHEL! GO BRIAN!

  5. atruerarity

    LOL – It’s not twins so far as I know… but of course, I haven’t had an ultrasound yet, so who knows!

  6. e

    Hahahahaha…beware! Be very very ware!

  7. Missy

    Oh, yes. I love gorey movies.
    But I like romances, too.

    But… Twilight sucked so bad.
    The make up was terrible. They looked all pastey and gross with fake red lips. Not beautiful and deathly pale like they were supposed to.

    The casting was COMPLETELY wrong. Edward was okay, I guess. Robert Pattinson has some Edward-ish qualities to him. Bella however was terrible. She was so monotone with every line she delivered. Rosalie was wrong, wrong, wrong! She wasn’t even THAT pretty. Rosalie was supposed to the the most beautiful girl you’d ever seen. ha ha. Yeah right. They didn’t even get close. Emmett was all like big time. I don’t know. He just wasn’t right but I guess he was okay. Alice was close. Like…she had the cute spunkiness about her. Carlisle. Don’t even get me started on him. Jasper was okay. I thought he was hot which probably made things better for me. Really, the only good casting was Charlie.

    Now that we’ve covered the awful make up and terrible casting let us re-visit the books. They didn’t follow the order of things at all. The one scene where she finds out he’s a vampire and he knows she knows and they like march off to the woods to that dramatic music. Um. So wrong. Plus…the extra deaths. NOT in the book! The least the could have done was follow the story line. They screwed up on everything else.

    I’m very passionate on this subject.


  8. abby

    so how’d you only pay 19 dollars I’m dieing to know

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