She has dimples on her earlobes

Two little things we noticed about Maggie since she’s been born, besides that she’s been very quiet and sweet and easy this day and a half…

One, she has a little dimple on each earlobe, which looks like she has pierced ears a little higher than usual. I’ll have to get a picture sometime for you all.

Two, her big toenails look really funny… I think they just need to grow a little more. 🙂 They are normal and wide on the bottom (where they’re growing from) but grow in a sort of point at the end.

Ok – VISITORS! We’ve been able to have some people over and it’s been great! We’re going to have our first day with no helpers tomorrow (grandmothers are gifts!). On Saturday, we want to open our house to whoever would like to visit from 9am-12pm. Calling ahead to let us know you’re coming would be great… that or an email. See you soon!!!

Margaret’s second visitors!
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Grammy got off work special to come see Maggie!:
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A little later, Grandpa rode his motorcyle out to see us too. Here he is meeting her:
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Maggie is so lucky with her Grandma’s:
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I just love my snuggly baby:
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We had a great evening with the whole family out – Austin and Melissa and Jackson (5 months) came out too!

Here’s Grammy and Pappy with their two little grandgirls:
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Jackson looked like such a big boy!!! (They’re laughing at how Maggie’s little toes had poked through her blankie… which Grammy made for Anna 2 years ago!)
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Here’s my Mom and Dad with all three grandchildren. Anna had had enough of all the pictures, but sat obediently:
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I love family:
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Maggie’s first bathtime… if we thought she couldn’t cry more than a few seconds, she proved us wrong when we set her in the bath!
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Playing dressup:
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Margaret being awake… something new:

And you don’t want to ask, but I bet Kelly and Kelli start packing scissors in their midwifery bags.


Filed under Everyday Stuff

6 Responses to She has dimples on her earlobes

  1. Chelsea

    She is absolutely beautiful. 🙂 Congrats again and again! Makes me all weepy thinking I was JUST doing all that newborn baby stuff with Loyal and now he is 9 months old (in 2 days) and is almost walking! INSANE, as every parent knows, how fast time goes. ENJOY this time! How is nursing going?
    And you had to know that someone would have to ask… Why scissors???

  2. Chelsea

    Oh and Cana had the exact same earlobe dimples. 🙂 The nurse commented on how she loves it when baby girls have instructions on where to pierce their ears. (as if we’d actually pierce our newborn’s ears)

  3. E

    Trying to fit her into 12 month clothes ALREADY??? 🙂
    I’m not asking, but that’s funny. Sort of. My answer to the unasked question is funny at least. Sort of. Hahaha. um. Hee. uh. HA! Rachel! my oh my. hahaha, hohoho. Oh, dear. giggle! *blush* etc.

  4. Oh! I want another baby!! She’s precious!! 🙂

  5. Hollie

    Look at the size of the paws on that kid!

  6. abby

    rachel your girls are so precious!
    I was wondering when you were gonna pop that baby out lol
    congrats to your family on maggie
    having two is tons of fun 🙂

    love Abby

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