Margaret… after one week

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Our first week with Anna was pretty exhausting, with me taking much longer to recover, with Anna being fussier and crying and being awake all night, and with Brian and I being first-time parents. Our first week with Maggie has been so different.

After a few nights where she was agitated for about 3-5 hours during the middle of the night, she has currently settled into sleeping swaddled at night, only waking every 2 – 3 1/2 hours to eat. During the day she sleeps almost as much, having only one or two waking periods a day where she stares and watches and stares… and then finally falls into exhausted sleep after about an hour of that. 🙂

My mom was able to come spend time with us again, which was fantastic! Grandma’s are a blessing!!! Nursing is going well – pain is fading, routine is beginning and in general, our lives are starting to develop some sort of “normal.” I am still not getting about or doing hardly anything as I recover, but I have had such sweet times snuggling with my little sleeping newborn and reading to Anna. Ok, Maggie is starting to grunt, which means she’ll wake up soon and I’ll have to go… so here are some pictures!

Here is Maggie sucking her thumb. She also likes her pointer finger pretty well. Mostly, she just LOVES to suck on things:
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Maggie with her loving Papa:
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Our wonderful neighbor brought Anna this cute shirt:
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Didn’t I tell you she’s a sleeper?
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It’s kind of amusing…
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Kelli and Kelly came by again! Sooo, you remember Maggie weighed 7lbs 8oz when she was born. At 3 days she had lost 6 oz and was 7lbs 2oz. Three days later… at 6 days old, she’d gained 8oz in three days! She’s 7lbs 10oz… or she was yesterday. That’s half a pound in three days living on milk. She is going to catch up with you Katie Marie! Her little hands are not wrinkly and skinny any more, but pink and round.
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Not to ignore Anna – here she is next to her “house” which is a fort made with a blanket and the high chair.
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She was reading a book about “How much I love you”…
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Video! Brown Bear, Brown Bear…


Filed under Everyday Stuff

4 Responses to Margaret… after one week

  1. e

    Wow! Check out your big girl READING!?!!! 🙂 They just grow up in no time!

  2. e

    Oh, and Maggie’s sleeping? Hahahaha! She looks so, comfortable. 😀

  3. MMM (Mommy Melissa Mellinger)

    So cute!!!! Thanks Rae. She’s a beauty! Anna is going to have so much fun with her little sister in not too long! 🙂

  4. hollye

    what a peach!

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