Margaret Rae – After One Year

Maggie turns one in a few days. It’s been the best year of my life with both my daughters in my arms. Maggie is so full of smiles and laughter. My life as a wife and mother are just full and sweet. (If not always sweet smelling.)

I’ve loved you from first sight, Maggie. From first kick. From first imagined smile. From the first time I dreamed about you. I love you sweetheart.

Here are some pictures from a very special birthday party for my youngest today! We had pictures from the last 12 months playing on slide show on the computer. We had Skyline Chili and other goodies to eat for lunch. We visited and talked and opened gifts and watched Maggie demolish her cake! Then we shared an update on our adoption process and answered some questions. It was a blessed time with so much of the our family that are so dear to us. We are so glad to have a family so full of love and support and care. We love you all!

Grandma holds our beautiful princess Maggie:

Great Grandma Reta taking pictures of somebody being silly while holding my newest nephew Hudson. Hudson is about 2 months old and SO ADORABLE. (Just like his big brother!) I’m impressed with Melissa getting out here with her two little boys and all the helping she did!

Anna and Maggie checking out Hudson. Maggie pointed and pointed. She is just starting to develop the word/verbal part of herself. It’s going to be fun teaching her words this next year!

Pappy and Maggie having fun! Maggie was so smiley and playful the entire time. She was agreeable and unstressed the majority of the time. VERY nice. We put her down for a nap an hour past her naptime and she just fell right asleep. Talk about the day being a success! The little things in life really do reduce stress levels. 🙂

Grandma Joan made Maggie a teddy bear. It is so snuggly and cute. Maggie liked it right away and hugged it and walked around with it. Grandma made Anna a special dolly too, with long pink curly hair per Anna’s request. These are going to be special treasures for my girls!

Three was a manageable and FUN number of young children wandering about and helping open gifts. Anna was so happy to be included. I am so blessed and felt so full of contentment and joy as I watched our children (Melissa’s and mine) playing today!

Anna has a stroller. Maggie likes to push it too. I picked up another stroller at a garage sale and gave it to Maggie to push around! Perhaps Anna and Maggie will attempt some of their first playtimes together! (Other than the one where Anna chases Maggie and carries her around and then Maggie escapes and it begins again with many giggles and squeals on both their parts)

Grandpa helping Jackson and Maggie play with her new toy! Jackson is just five months older than Maggie, but watching him, I’m amazed at how much Maggie will learn in such a short time! I’m excited!

The cake makes its entrance. It’s a free cake from Albertsons. I asked them to make it with frosting that would smear nice and messy. Let’s see how it goes…

Oh, I’d say it’s going just fine! She ate only one or two bites… but that doesn’t mean she didn’t treat it like playdough.

Do you see what I mean? She was pretty serious about it.

Wow. Amazing.

I love you sweet Maggie! (A bath followed shortly after)

Anna did a song and dance for us too! This girl is such a performer! It was so fun to share her silly side with everybody. 😀

And just as a parting shot. Yesterday Maggie didn’t want to play in the water. She’s my gardening baby!

Oh, and I forgot a picture of a really amazing burger the other night. This one is Brian’s after a few bites. Let’s just say that the bun just wasn’t up to this amazing burger.

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Filed under Everyday Stuff

One Response to Margaret Rae – After One Year

  1. Chelsea Claus

    Happy Birthday Maggie! I love the purple icing smeared all over, so cute.

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