A Fun Way to Help our Adoption

(Idea for friends and family, not any readers just stopping by to learn more about international adoption!)

I was sitting here tonight happily thinking about all the little things that I either need or want to purchase and prepare before we adopt. I am trying and needing to be frugal and not spend as much money as I would easily do if I bought everything new. One of the things that I have been “shopping” for and thinking about are the toys and activities that we will need to pack to bring with us on our first and second trips. Our first trip may be as early as April (but probably later, we’ll let you know).

When we are in Eastern Europe, we will likely have two visits per day for 4-5 days with our new little one. Each visit is about 2 hours long. That’s a long time to sit in a room with a little person who doesn’t know you and may have never learned how to play. The solution, for adoptive families is to bring toys and things to do to each visit. If you pull one toy out at a time, hopefully you can have an extended period of play. Finding toys that will travel well, be age appropriate and be stimulating… and even be therapeutic is quite the task!

I am learning that websites and stores designed specifically for therapeutic toys have a price tag attached to them that is especially high. So I’ve been on a hunt for toys that are both affordable or free, compact and interesting. If you’d like to look around your house or even do a little shopping (new or used!) to help us prepare for our first trip, here are some suggestions for toys you could collect for us!

Sequined or other interesting fabric that folds up small.
Small containers that bang nice and loud and can be opened and closed
Toys that are small and compact and have an interesting texture
Ribbons of different color and texture
Textured balls (like a dryer ball)
Bells, bells on ribbon
Very small dolls
Crayons and Coloring books
Play makeup
Things that make sounds
Color Wonder markers and paper
Things with mirrors

Even though these places usually have things costing too much, they can be good inspiration:

Website that rates toys for their therapeutic or special needs useability: http://www.ableplay.org/
Toys R Us has a Differently Abled section.
Another resource for finding therapeutic/special needs toys: http://www.lekotek.org/default.asp

Things we already have:
Googly balls (you know, those soft, squishy balls with tentacle like “spikes)
Indestructible photo album
Singing sleep dog (Thank you Grandma H. for Maggie’s – we liked it so much we bought one to take with us!)


Filed under Everyday Stuff

2 Responses to A Fun Way to Help our Adoption

  1. Hollie

    Rachel, I have all of these things and more. You need to come “shopping” at my house. You can borrow whatever you want for the trip. I can also tell you what was most helpful with Jackie, and what we bought because her therapist told us too. Books are a fantastic tool that travel well. Come play and shop!

  2. atruerarity

    Thank you Hollie! That sounds fun and perfect! We’re more likely to travel this summer (like June?) but I may have to visit before then. 🙂

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