
I just wanted to share with you something God did. We have prayed since March that God would bring Jordan home soon. On October 19th, we were emotionally and spiritually exhausted. You can see our post here: http://breezysunday.com/blog/2011/10/19/grueling/. That day, all day, Brian and I prayed differently. We prayed, “God, give us a miracle. Give us news tomorrow. Let the news be that court is in no more than two weeks.” We repeated the prayer for an answer “tomorrow” all day. We believed God could do it, but honestly, I’m not sure if we lifted our heads more than an inch or two to think that maybe God would. We were just that tired.

The next day… well, you know how it went. The next day, we got news at 3:40am that court had been scheduled! Not only that, but court was only four days away! Unheard of! PRAISE GOD! Our adoption was granted on Monday, October 24th and we are legal PARENTS of JORDAN SCOTT DAVIS!!!! I cannot contain my joy! Thank you, Lord! Thank you for our son. Thank you for giving me faith. Thank you for giving good gifts. And thank you for teaching my heart to trust You more.

And now… pictures.

Jordan’s blanket… originally started for James, is finished. It’s super soft and cuddly. If he doesn’t want it, I do! BTW – Anna asked how balloons go up to heaven. Remember how we tied notes to James to a balloon and flew them up to him in heaven? She remembered. I explained that it probably didn’t actually go to heaven, but God saw the notes and read them to James for us. That, I believe.

On Saturday, almost all of “the cousins” got together! We were all married for the first time (and all together) and with eight children, one adoption and two pregnancies between us. It was a BLAST. I am so glad to have been able to get together! Thank you, Lydia!!!! We will do it again! Next time, your place. Soon as Jordan is ready. Maybe next summer?

We drew houses and roads and rainbows. Jackson sat himself down on a chair and watched his “movies” for a loooooong time. Guess it was a good show!

See the roads? Yes, we were having fun! Felt like a child again myself.

Then off to the park for a Subway farewell feast. Grandma and Grandpa got to come too! It’s good to have a family so full of love. Lydia, I am very impressed by your running. And inspired!

My girls are just soooooooo cute!

Then on Sunday, we got to attend church and Bible study. Again… just can’t take too many pictures of my girls:

Ever thought of doing a lobby registry? This is our toddler adoption shower board that my amazing friend Hollie made for us. She asked what we wanted and hung up all the information on this beautiful board. Then people shopping for our shower just grabbed one off. We were COVERED in blessings by our church on Sunday. Thank you all so very much!!!

And what’s an adoption shower without a table full of international stuff and things about Jordan?

What’s a shower without a rousing game of jeopardy!? (Categories: Down Syndrome, Jordan, Eastern Europe, and Adoption) THANK YOU AMY especially, for the beautiful time of blessing!

Back home again, Brian made mashed turnips. He likes them better than mashed potatoes. Jury’s still out for me:

Then off to Hollie’s house! Roy and Hollie were set to have their last born-from-Hollie’s-tummy baby on Tuesday! We loaded up the car with stuff and made ourselves at home. I can now say that I’ve driven a “club van”, have cared for eight children for three days, and that small houses (with fewer rooms to clean) can definitely be a blessing. hehe And I only made her kids cry a few times. Really, most of the time the kids take care of each other by playing and encouraging.
Family photo of nine!

First time big sister:

Reading to the little ones at bedtime:

Now home again, home again, jiggity jig. Preparing for a little harvest party tonight and a orphan ministry meeting tomorrow. Keep us in your prayers! We will get permission to buy airplane tickets sometime next week. Travel will be sometime around Thanksgiving. Yippee!!!

A few videos on the way:
KM singing happy birthday:

The kids running around their road. They did lots of running that day:

Maggie running pell-mell:

Maggie riding her 2-wheel bike:


Filed under Everyday Stuff

3 Responses to Miracles

  1. Dad C.

    All great stuff Davis’s!!

  2. Lydia

    So fun, Rachel. I sure love all of you!!

  3. Carol

    So many lovely things… Thanks for sharing. Would you mind sharing (you) could message me via the yahoo group) what exactly you had on your shower board? You always seem so organized and I’d love to see how you are preparing for Jordan’s homecoming so I can get ideas of what we might need too. Thanks so much!

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