Jordan and Food

We had a good, peaceful night’s rest last night. I thought you might like to know what Jordan eats so far on a daily basis.

Breakfast: Raspberry yogurt, old-fashioned oats and thawed frozen blueberries run through baby food mill (we use this all the time). A mostly full cereal bowl.
Snack: half and half juice and water from a bottle.
Lunch: Homemade canadian bacon and pineapple pizza run through the food mill mixed with a runny tomato soup that we have just for him. Mixed with a dollop of heavy whipping cream for additional calories.
Snack: Applesauce and fork-mashed canned pears mixed together. (Because the applesauce I made from the first windfall apples is too sour to eat by itself)
Dinner: Chicken fajita meat and rice run through the food mill. Mixed with sour cream and either that soup or water or milk… can’t remember. (To get it to the right consistency that Jordan can swallow happily.)

Breakfast: Raspberry yogurt mixed with a scrambled egg (through the food mill of course… you’re getting the idea that we use the food mill alot?).
Snack: A little bit of applesauce.
Lunch: Sweet and Sour meatballs with pineapple and rice through the food mill. Mixed with leftovers of some sort from the day before (hard to tell after it’s soup!). Mixed with the runny tomato soup and a dollop of whipping cream.
Snack: Mashed pears
Dinner: Chicken fajita meat and rice mixed with sour cream, cheese and water.

We often use one of the premade soups with added baby food rice cereal so it’s thick enough for Jordan. I have a sample tub of formula that I’ve used as a calorie/vitamin boost too (I add one scoop, equal to 2 oz. of formula). The other day we brought a small tub of his tomato soup to his first American restaurant experience… Panda Express. Pureed orange chicken and the familiar tomato soup? A hit I guess! I loved loving on our son with obvious special needs at the restaurant… I welcome questions at this point. I would love for more people to adopt the many waiting (and waiting, and waiting) children.

We’ve also had the Pacific Natural butternut squash soup and he likes that. He’s eaten whatever we’re having straight mixed with water/milk too.

You might be interested in what Jordan ate out of while he was in Bulgaria and shortly after arriving home. We tried to make a bottle just like they use in the orphanage. We found a glass coke bottle at Winco (and enjoyed the coke). Then we bought a set of lamb teats from the local feed store. Yep. That’s closest to what they use at the orphanage! Not exactly FDA approved, but they let the soup through and Jordan had no trouble drinking from them. Happy to have retired them already though!

More pictures soon. Some professional pictures even! So excited to see those!!!!

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