Jordan – 3 Months Home

Can you believe Jordan has been home three months? Today marks exactly three months since Jordan arrived home after a long week and a long flight with Brian and Grammy, intrepid travelers and baby nabbers. I’ll take this moment and update you on how he’s doing!

I think the biggest and best description for Jordan now is that he feels like a part of the family! He doesn’t feel like a stranger any more and he doesn’t spend the majority of his time worried or hiding. He is here with us now, pretty much all the time. He smiles and comes to us when it’s time to get him up in the morning or after nap. This morning we put him down in the living room while we all hung out in the living room for a little bit of sleepy morning time and he was laughing and babbling and crawling all over the place.

He’s proactive when he wants something now… much more of the time, anyway. I am so excited for him to learn to communicate with us more when he wants things. He’s doing better though! If he’s been playing alone for a long time, especially if he’s hungry, he will eventually cry. And when we go to him for snuggles and tickles and play time… he smiles real big and reaches for us. “Yes!” he seems to say, “Come play with me! I’m sooooo bored!” haha If you sit down on the floor, he’s more likely to initiate play. He’ll crawl over and stand up against you or bop a toy on you. What’s more, he’s very comfortable most of the time with eye contact and snuggling and babbling back and forth! We may only babble nonsense back and forth once or twice, but it’s clear that he’s learned the game of “talking” in some ways and I just love it! When we bang on his booster seat tray, sometimes he’ll bang back. Love it.

Since he’s gotten over the bulk of his tummy issues, he has been so hungry! He is happy to eat a full bowl at breakfast and lunch, two small snacks and part of his dinner. This encourages me, because for over a month, he was not eating well. He rarely chokes on the little chunks in his food and he’s tolerating far more flavors. He does seem to prefer his food cold and a certain consistency. Texture and flavor aren’t as important to him as slimy/runny and cold. Gross. But I digress. He’s eating great – mostly whatever we’re eating. He had peanut butter and jelly sandwich with yogurt and applesauce for lunch. I’m adding a probiotic to one meal a day to help with the lingering poop issues. :-/

I’ve noticed him watching Anna and Maggie far more lately. Also, the girls have begun initiating play with him! It’s wonderful. They aren’t as clueless what to do with their big little brother any more. Especially when he’s in his booster seat (and therefore contained from grabbing their hair as easily… or any part of them with his cold, slobbery hands), they are enjoying playing tickle with his feet and peekaboo too. Mostly, he’s just annoyed at peekaboo, but Anna has gotten him to laugh several times with tickles and plays. He loves to watch her as she claps and chatters with him. I have seen him paying more attention to toys too… I may need to dig through our toys and see if we have anything else appropriate for him now that he might play with more. His favorite toys are still long sticks and plastic necklaces, both of which bang nicely when you bump them on the floor… whether sitting or standing. 🙂

Jordan, you’ll be turning three years old in a couple months… and pretty soon I won’t be able to call you a baby! You may be my big baby right now, getting lots of snuggles and baby treatment, but I am excited for the little things you are learning that make you a big boy! You will be walking soon (he’s standing in the middle of the room frequently every day), you’re learning to play games, and you’re just getting so big and handsome that I will have to call you my little man instead of my big baby. (But that doesn’t mean you’re going to stop BEing my baby. Just that I’ll have to call you something else.)

Just hanging out, being family:


Filed under Everyday Stuff

3 Responses to Jordan – 3 Months Home

  1. Grandma Chapman

    Thanks for the update, i was getting lonesome to hear how Jordan was doing and it looks like he is making lots of progress!!

  2. jamie

    He looks great! What a handsome dude!

  3. Carol

    I love the video! My favourite parts are when he nods his head after you ask, “You don’t say?” and his “Mumuuumuum” at the end. Too cute! And yes, that little man will be walking in no time! 🙂 Thank you for sharing your precious one with us.

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