Early December Update

Carolyn still wakes up and cries for extended periods at night. We still don’t know why. Rocking her makes her play, laying with her makes her play, leaving her to cry she eventually sleeps, holding her and bouncing her forever all night is what she loves, but we start weaving after awhile. She is signing all kinds of things. (Mama, Papa, eat, drink, more, please, bath…)

Jordan is learning new signs!!!!! THIS IS HUGE! He needs a little support, but he is about to where he can sign “drink” and “all done” as well as “eat.” Yippee!!!

Brian is off getting a Christmas tree with the girls. It’s too cold for the little ones to enjoy it at all. Can’t wait til they get home!

I cut Maggie’s hair! First real hair cut in her life at over 4 years old. Quite a bit of length came off, but almost no volume. It was only baby curls I cut off. 🙁 She is adorable, but looks so different.

Getting ready for supper – too distracted to sign eat. Besides, I wasn’t holding food yet, so what’s the point? lol:

Eating supper – signing “eat” whenever he was ready for another bite. Signing “all done” with support when it was done. Signing “drink” with a little guidance when he wanted a drink. Smart boy!

Putting his cup down after finishing his drink… it is so hard for him to hold when it is empty and lightweight! That low sensitivity doesn’t stop his determination, though. Also, he is much better at putting his cup away when he is actually done drinking and not doing it just because i”m telling him to. 🙂

Carolyn marching around and then whining for me to get off the computer.

We didn't take pictures at the Davis Thanksgiving, sadly, but we had a wonderful time!  Here is Grammy getting Jordan into jammies for the drive home.

We didn’t take pictures at the Davis Thanksgiving, sadly, but we had a wonderful time! Here is Grammy getting Jordan into jammies for the drive home.

Oatmeal monster!

Oatmeal monster!

Maggie is a baby.  In a box.  With a binky.  lol

Maggie is a baby. In a box. With a binky. lol

This is what school time looks like when you have a preschooler.  Notice, she asked me to cut her sandwich in two pieces... funny.  So I did.

This is what school time looks like when you have a preschooler. Notice, she asked me to cut her sandwich in two pieces… funny. So I did.

At least she was wearing a hat... it's cold out!  (She is always planning this gymnastics recital that never actually seems to happen. She is sad every night when she realizes she hasn't done it.)

At least she was wearing a hat… it’s cold out! (She is always planning this gymnastics recital that never actually seems to happen. She is sad every night when she realizes she hasn’t done it.)



These are SO COOL!  This is up close of where we believe a spring is coming out of the ground on our property.  It made these ice flowers on the grass.

These are SO COOL! This is up close of where we believe a spring is coming out of the ground on our property. It made these ice flowers on the grass.

Looking at the ice flowers from further away.  Also, the big ice puddle/flow?  No source except the little puddle at its tip.  Part of where the spring water comes out????

Looking at the ice flowers from further away. Also, the big ice puddle/flow? No source except the little puddle at its tip. Part of where the spring water comes out????

Our shop renter's trailer is hanging out where a lot of the spring water slowly flows (and freezes) under it.

Our shop renter’s trailer is hanging out where a lot of the spring water slowly flows (and freezes) under it.

Maggie's hair before her haircut.

Maggie’s hair before her haircut.

Snip, snip!

Snip, snip!

Carolyn, hiding under my desk... pretending to comb her hair?

Carolyn, hiding under my desk… pretending to comb her hair?

Almost done!

Almost done!

Not dry yet, but stinkin' adorable!

Not dry yet, but stinkin’ adorable!

All dry!  And all grown up!

All dry! And all grown up!

1 Comment

Filed under Everyday Stuff

One Response to Early December Update

  1. Reta Chapman

    Thanks Rachel for the update on your beautiful family! love the pictures of Jordan making such progress!! Cute pictures of your adorable girls!! They are all growing up so fast!

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