Brian reporting

Brian here, reporting on location in Bulgaria! We arrived after 3 airplanes, 4 airports, and way too many hours spent in long metal tubes hurtling through the air. The metal tubes and hurtling doesn’t bother me, it’s how many people you have to share them with and how you can’t lay down no matter how tired you are.

We had some adventure right off the bat. In PDX they told us our flight was overbooked and we were moved to a different flight to DC instead. But supposedly we would get to Frankfurt 10 minutes earlier and all our luggage would show up. I was dubious but threw caution to the wind and away we went! It actually worked out great because we got extra legroom on both our first flights. Then slept on the puddle jumper from Germany to BG.

We watched Up! on mom’s IPAD and it was hilarious. Squirrel! I’m sure all my Up! references will be lost on people since it’s been out quite a while but too bad! I thought it was funny and shall be repeating any lines I can remember. Then I got to see half of Harry Potter (the last one) and the old Planet of the Apes. I only got to see half the movies because they were playing on a fixed cycle and I kept missing the beginnings.

We had decent food for airline food. Which is high praise from me who usually gets sick at the sight (smell actually) of any food on an airline.

On arriving we ran into all the adoption gang. Meredith and Shelly of Reece’s Rainbow were on the same flight as us and checked into the hotel at the same time. Mom and I ran out for water and bought some weird sandwiches I will post pictures of later. She has done really great. It’s been so nice to have someone familiar around to share all the craziness of international travel with.

There was a baby on the flight over the Atlantic that cried a few times. The parents used a rattle to entertain him and that rattle kept me awake. I thought to myself, at least he isn’t screaming, and then I thought, at least he isn’t yours! 🙂 Please pray for our return flight. It will be 12 hours (because we have a different connection). Jordan’s Papa doesn’t like flying as an adult, I really hope Jordan doesn’t mind it too much.

Now mom is snoring and I am struggling to stay awake. Yay I made to 4:48pm. That’s close enough to bedtime right?

See below for the first exciting pictures of our trip!


Filed under Everyday Stuff

5 Responses to Brian reporting

  1. Dad C.

    Thanks Brian! Keeps us posted!

  2. Melissa

    Hooray! I tried explaining a little to Jackson the other day about you getting Jordan because we happened to see a couple airplanes pass by. I think he associated it most with how the helicopters here pick up loads of christmas trees on a line and bring them back. He said something like “Brian go on airplane, drop down, pick up Jordan, and come back!” – with hand demostrations making it look like you’d just drop a line out of the plane to pick him up. 🙂 Cute. He DID know what cousins were though and thought he must be an “old cousin” if Jordan was the “new” cousin. Hehe.

  3. Now you’ve made me laugh twice, Melissa! First the dental floss! LOL Yes, you KNOW that this being frugal thing is in my BONES. And I’m sure Brian would love the helicopter with a rope approach. haha

  4. Katie

    Jon and I stayed at that hotel the first night! I hope he enjoys the extremely yummy breakfast in the morning!

  5. Mom D.

    Katie, Breakfast was extremely yummy! Ate it all!

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