On US Soil!

Sorry for the blogging lapse here at the final countdown! If you haven’t understood – something nearly impossible happened and appointments were able to be made early and they are on their way home FOUR DAYS EARLY! Thank you Lord! When I heard, I was in denial or shock or bewilderment…. I was surprised and the thought of my husband who I’ve missed so terribly would be home in just two days had me in emotional shambles. I needed to go close myself in a room and cry and let the emotions sink through and settle. But I have two little kids who were also excited and kept asking questions…. oh… it was a rough, cry and laugh morning!

But now. NOW! They are on US soil! They’re working their way through passport and customs now and I’m praying they make their flight!

Anna is very excited to meet her new brother. She can’t wait to show him his toys and teach him things and talk with him. I keep reminding her she’ll need to give him some space… he’s not used to sisters or so many toys or people who speak english. He has lots to learn… and she is on board! I am blessed by seeing her genuine care and love for her brother who she has never met. She is so excited and proud to have a brother to take care of who needed a family… so we got him one!

Goodbye friends!

Goodbye Sofia streets, taxis, and important immigrant appointments.

Goodbye hotel Budapest! With your good food and kind, helpful service, you'll be missed.

Goodbye amazing architecture. It's going to be a good 1500 years before our architecture is as old as yours!

Goodbye chart until Papa gets home...

Hellooooooooo, sisters!

I’ll be picking them up at 8:52 pm at PDX if anybody wants to come! Can’t wait to have my boys in my arms and give a big hug to Tamera who has blessed us beyond words. I’m looking forward to sharing photos of the homecoming with you…. but I really have no idea how tonight will go (sleep?)!


Filed under Everyday Stuff

3 Responses to On US Soil!

  1. 1:40pm – Jordan is a US citizen! He whined and napped through it all!

  2. Melissa

    yay hooray woohoo woopee yippee hoorah! (repeat as often as necessary!) 😉

  3. 2:25pm They are through immigration and passport control! Jordan is a US Citizen! They are boarding right now! They are sweaty from the long, fast walk to their terminal! And I am repeating that often, Melissa! Cooking dinner for tomorrow right now!

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